This month, we also remember posthumous Silver Star recipient Sergeant Harry A. Walling, Sr., Detachment A-113, who was killed in action, 19 June 1964, at Suoi Da. The Walling Bachelor Enlisted Quarters (BEQ) in Saigon was named in his honor (see IN HONOR AND MEMORY page 417).
My search for the Walling family began in 1986. It was in 2015 that Pia and I had a chance meeting with Sergeant Walling's son, Harry A. Walling, Jr., at the All Veterans Reunion in Melbourne, Florida. Harry shared photos of his dad and supplemental information about his father's service that we were not aware of. The rewrite of Sergeant Walling's story is an ongoing project for us.
Photo of Harry A. Walling, Sr., after graduation from Basic Training. Courtesy of Harry A. Walling, Jr.